453people currently taking the test
Does he love you ?
This test will tell you if your crush secretly loves you.

- Find out what are your chances before declaring your love to him.
453people currently taking the test
This test will tell you if your crush secretly loves you.
more than
tests taken so far
Just found out Adam is in love
Just found out Mark is in love
The test said we were a perfect match, so I jokingly showed it to my crush.. And now, we're planning a weekend getaway together!
After taking the test, I sent the results to my crush with a note saying, 'So you like me ?' Quick and easy, way to express my feelings, no I hope he'll answer!
The love test hinted at a mutual interest, so I decided to be brave and send him the results. He appreciated my honesty, and we started dating soon after.
Answer with your heart, it’s the best way to have a trustworthy answer.
Unlock your results and immediately discover if he loves you too.
... and be sure about his feelings for you